Sometimes Bigger Really Is Better. The Same Great Tool—Now Goes BIG! If you are a current fan of the original Eat'N Tool, designed by revolutionary designer Liong Mah, you may have been one of the many who were wishing for a slightly bigger version. And, here it is! The Eat'N Tool XL offers a larger spoon, and longer handle surface to grab hold of. Use it as a spoon, or fork, to prepare and/or eat your favorite "on the trail" meal. Other handy tools include a box wrench, driver/pry tool, can opener and bottle opener. It also comes with a carabiner* to make carry simple and accessible. Available in bead blast grey or black powder coat finish. For the trail, camper or cabin, the Eat'N Tool XL makes eating easy, and maybe even just a little bit fun. Carabiner is non-weight-bearing.
From military grade army clothing to high-quality camping merchandise, you can find a wide array of rugged outdoor gear on our newly redesigned website. For the past seven years, we have been serving a niche market audience from our army surplus store located in Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Now, we are revamping our website to offer an even broader and higher-quality array of products that we know you will love.
Our website pages are flushed with retail selections for everything from recreational shooting sports items to professional tactical military gear. Whether you are looking for firearms, airsoft or paintball guns, knives and cutlery, camping gear, backpacks, flashlights, gloves, or headwear, you can find it on our army surplus store online. We even ship all orders out within 24 to 48 hours.