![Benchmade Pardue Axis Black Plain Blade Folding Knife](https://cdn.valleycombat.com/images/products/medium/BEN531BK.jpg)
The Benchmade Mel Pardue Axis is a great lightweight EDC, but with a Zytel handle it always seemed to be missing something. That something has been found in the 531 series, featuring G10 handles. It looks great, feels great, and functions great! The ultimate lightweight carry now comes with G10 or molded handles. The Model 531 is based on the Mel Pardue designed Model 350. The basic looks are the same with the spear point blade and coffin style handle design but, the AXIS lock was incorporated for added performance function. The overall design was slimmed down for a low profile, low drag carry, and the weight is still incredibly light. So if you liked the Model 350, you’re going to love the Model 531.
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